Regulations - Employee Sale

  1. Exceldor Cooperative allows employees to place multiple orders during a sale period. When the sale period is over, it shall no longer be possible to add any orders.

  2. Unless there is a system error, orders shall be non-refundable. You shall be responsible for picking up your order on the schedule pickup date. If you cannot pick up your order yourself, you must send a third party and they must have your printed purchase order in hand. In case of a pickup location error, the order will be canceled and refunded.

  3. Employees impacted by errors during pickup shall be reimbursed for missing products.

  4. Exceldor Cooperative only accepts payments made through the transactional site of the employee sale online shop.

  5. Each person shall be entitled to a maximum of 25 crates per sale period.
    We would like to remind you that these internal sales are a privilege for employees. In order to simplify the management of the sales, which are becoming increasingly popular, orders shall be limited to a maximum of 25 crates per person, per sale.
  1. A maximum of 10 crates per unlimited product.
    To enable as many people as possible to benefit from the sale and to foster fairness, please take note that the purchase of products available in unlimited quantities shall be capped to 10 crates per product.

  2. Maximum number of crates per limited product.
    Some products are available in limited quantities (R&D testing, out-of-listing products, etc.). For the sake of fairness, there shall be a maximum number of crates that can be purchased in certain products with low inventory.